A Common Interview Question

When you get to an interview to be a flight attendant, one common question you more than likely will be asked is, “Why do you want to be a flight attendant?” There are some excellent answers to this question and then there are some really bad answers that could get you overlooked for a position.

The interviewer is going to assume that you enjoy traveling, and you enjoy working with people. The standard answer used to be, “I’m a people person and I love to fly.” DON’T use that answer. Think about your genuine reason for wanting to be a flight attendant. Formulate your response and remember it.

Practice interviewing! Here are some sample questions you can practice with, https://www.thebalancecareers.com/flight-attendant-interview-questions-2061445. The competition for this career is very intense. Be genuine in your demeanor, appearance and attitude. Find positive ways to stand out, to convince them that you deserve a spot in a training class. Stand out in a positive way. Use available resources and develop your personal method of interviewing.

Email Me Your Response

Think of your response to this common question “Why do you want to be a flight attendant?” and email it to me. My goal is to guide you and help build your confidence. I am not guaranteeing you a successful interview, I am preparing you for this intense process. Only you can get yourself the job. Email me your response at professionalflightattendant.@gmail.com

Patience Is A Must

Your office view

Do not feel defeated if you do not make it through your first time around. Again, this is a very competitive position and sometimes it works out that way. I interviewed for a period of six years. I kept going and didn’t let anything stand in my way. You will get there if it’s where you want to be.

Please check out my story on my first flight in the Stories section. I can’t wait to read your first-flight stories.

I look forward to hearing from you soon.



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